Best Biofertilizer in India-Buyers Guide

Biofertilizer is a manure that consists of living organisms. These organisms consist of; blue-green algae, bacteria, and mycorrhizal fungi. These microbes help in the growth of plants. These microbes supply the plants with nutrients. They also improve the quality of the soil. The bacteria in biofertilizers convert nitrogen into ammonia through nitrogen fixation. This process provides nitrogen to trees and other plants.  Organic fertilizers are inexpensive and friendly to the environment. They also improve the soil texture and plant yields. The mycorrhizal fungi provide minerals to plants from organic matter.

Also, check the buyer’s guide for the best Organic Manure, Vermicompost, rooting hormones, cow dung cakes, Organic Fertilizers, Cocopeat,  Grow bags for plants, Rooting Hormone, Gardening Tools, Drip irrigation kit, and Water Sprinklers in India.

Top 10 Best Biofertilizers in India-Buyers Guide

List of Biofertilizers

Check at Amazon

1. Biocedar- Pseudomonas Organic & Bio Fertilizer Biocedar- Pseudomonas
2. Feromones Plant Food Granules 900 gram Feromones Plant Food Granules 900 gram
3. Swiss Green Organic Liquid Plant Growth Promoter Swiss Green Organic Liquid Plant Growth Promoter
4. Green Heal VAM Bio Fertilizer 1Kg Green Heal VAM Bio Fertilizer 1Kg
5. Raj AgriTech Zor-rhiza VAM Bio Fertilizer Raj AgriTech Zor-rhiza VAM Bio Fertilizer
6. Bio Fertilizer Ecomax-G Organic  Fertilizer Bio Fertilizer Ecomax-G Organic  Fertilizer
7. Azospirillum Organic Bio Fertilizer- Bazodo Azospirillum Organic Bio Fertilizer- Bazodo
8. TSR Garden Store Organic VAM Bio Fertilizer TSR Garden Store Organic VAM Bio Fertilizer
9. Green Wood Super Waste Decomposer Green Wood Super Waste Decomposer
10. Mycopep Bio Fertilizer for Plant Growth Mycopep Bio Fertilizer for Plant Growth

Features of Biofertilizer

  • The success of the biofertilizer is crucial. Rhodium is the most successful biofertilizer. These bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen in plants.
  • Solid biofertilizers have short shelf lives of about six months. And are for areas with mild temperatures.  Liquid biofertilizers last for around two years and can be useful in hot places.
  • It has low nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous. Farmers cannot use these fertilizers alone.
  • This is more expensive compared to inorganic fertilizers but friendly to the environment. It requires skilled personnel.
  • It contains bugs that improve soil fertility and health. Biofertilizers have a high content of these living organisms.

Types Of Biofertilizers

  •  The nitrogen-fixing organic fertilizers include nitrogen-fixing bacteria. They co-exist with plants. Plants provide shelter. And the bacteria provide nitrogen for the plant through nitrogen fixation.
  •  The phosphate mobilizing biofertilizers contain mycorrhiza fungi which provide minerals for the plants.
  • Silicate solubilizing bacteria are responsible for degrading minerals. They produce organic acids during metabolism.

How to use Biofertilizer?

  • The seedling root dip method- is good for transplanted plants. Immerse the seedlings’ roots in a mixture of two packets of biofertilizer mixed in 40 liters of water. Apply that quantity of seedlings for an acre of land. The root stays in the mix for 5-10 minutes before transplantation.
  • Seed treatment where you mix one packet of a biofertilizer with 200 ml of rice porridge. Use this amount of seeds for one acre of land. Mix the seeds in the slurry for uniformity, then dry the seeds for 30 minutes under a shade. Sow the seeds within 24 hours.

Buyers Guide for Biofertilizer

  • When buying natural fertilizers,  check the nutrient ratio.
  • This is to ensure your crops get the necessary nutrients.
  • These fertilizers have a short shelf life, you have to choose one that is suitable for your area.
  • Buy liquid bio manure if you live in hot areas.
  • If the zone has moderate temperatures, then use a solid one.
  • Check to see the microbes contained in the fertilizer.
  • Buy a fertilizer suitable for your crops and fits within your budget.

List of Top 10 Best Biofertilizers in India-Buyers Guide

1. Biocedar- Pseudomonas(1 kg) Organic & Bio Fertilizer

It promotes plant growth and increases crop yield. Kerala Agricultural University developed it.

Biocedar- Pseudomonas(1 kg) Organic & Bio Fertilizer


  • It is inexpensive and only goes for 250 Rupees.
  • This is easy to apply. Apply using the spreading or spray method
  • It has high results. It increases crop yields and quality.


  • Do not use on soils with excess acid. Acidic soils prevent the successful growth of microbes.
  • It becomes ineffective if polluted or if it expires.

Biocedar- Pseudomonas

2. Feromones Combo of all-purpose Plant Food Granules 900 grams

It is a fertilizer for home garden plants. It goes for 550 Rupees.

Feromones Combo of all-purpose Plant Food Granules


  • The granules provide nutrition to plants through the roots.
  • Liquid biofertilizer supplies nutrients through the leaves.
  • Use it for flowering as well as indoor plants.


  • Application is once every month. This may be costly for farmers with many plants.
  • High doses of this fertilizer may damage the soil or the plants.

Feromones Combo of all-purpose Plant Food Granules

3. Swiss Green Organic Liquid Plant Growth Promoter

It is 500ml. It is suitable for flowers, crops as well as ornamental plants.

Swiss Green Organic Liquid Plant Growth Promoter


  • It is long-lasting. It serves for 24 months.
  • A little goes a long way. Only use 5ml for one liter of water.
  • It improves the quality of vegetables, fruits, and flowers. It increases resistance to pests and diseases.


  • It may cause health problems to children if not stored the correct way.
  • Higher doses of fertilizer will destroy the crops.

Swiss Green Organic Liquid Plant Growth Promoter

4. Green Heal VAM (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae) Bio Fertilizer 1Kg

It costs 300 Rupees. 100gm/square meters of VAM suits a nursery and 10 kg for 1000 kg for plastic bag seedling.

Green Heal VAM (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae) Bio Fertilizer


  • It is suitable for crops like coconut, sunflower, oranges, and bananas
  • It is applicable in planting seedlings and growing trees. In growing trees, it boosts resistance against pests and diseases of the root.
  • It fixes soluble phosphorous in the soil and makes it available to plants.


  • It has a short shelf life, thus you should use it before the end date.
  • It is only suitable for areas with mild temperatures.

Green Heal VAM Bio Fertilizer

5. Raj AgriTech Zor-rhiza Granual Form VAM Bio Fertilizer

It weighs 1 Kg and is in form of granules. Instructions are to mix with soil before planting.

Raj AgriTech Zor-rhiza Granual Form VAM Bio Fertilizer


  • Increases soil fertility and avails nutrients through absorption from the soil.
  • It maintains soil pH and increases plant yields.
  • It provides resistance to plants during the dry seasons


  • It may cause harm if swallowed.
  • If applied in excess, it may destroy the soil structures. This application will reduce crop yields.

Raj AgriTech Zor-rhiza Granual Form VAM Bio Fertilizer

6. Bio Fertilizer Ecomax-G Organic Fertilizer

It is in the form of granules. It weighs 1Kilogram and has a lot of benefits.

Bio Fertilizer Ecomax-G Organic Fertilizer


  • It enhances drought, pest, and disease resistance.
  • These increases yield as well as the food quality. It also improves farmers’ living standards due to an increase in income.
  • This is suitable for vegetables and flowers. It is also a root growth booster.


  • It may go bad and be unsuccessful upon application if kept in the wrong way.
  • If not measured with accuracy during the application, it may not serve for long due to wastage.

Bio Fertilizer Ecomax-G Organic Fertilizer

7. Azospirillum Organic Bio Fertilizer- Bazodo

A 1 kg goes for 229 Rupees. It is in powder form.

Azospirillum Organic Bio Fertilizer- Bazodo


  • It fixes nitrogen and makes it available to plants.
  • This is suited to treating the soil. It improves soil fertility and aeration.
  • You can apply it to the soil, or you can spray it on wet ground.


  • When broadcasting, the wind can carry away the powder and not help the plants.
  • The broadcasting method can harm plants because the dosage is not measured.

Azospirillum Organic Bio Fertilizer- Bazodo

8. TSR Garden Store Organic VAM Bio Fertilizer

A packet of 860 grams goes for 280 Rupees. It is suitable for all plants, vegetables, fruits, and flowers.

TSR Garden Store Organic VAM Bio Fertilizer


  • It improves plant resistance to collar and root rot diseases.
  • It also promotes plant growth and increases yields.
  • Increases farmers’ earnings, improving their living standards.


  • It can be expensive for a large piece of land.
  • If not stored under the right conditions, it can be unproductive on the farm.

TSR Garden Store Organic VAM Bio Fertilizer

9. Green Wood Super Waste Decomposer

It is safe to use for all crops. It is best for irrigation, treating compost heaps, and seed treatment.

Green Wood Super Waste Decomposer


  • This controls all types of foliar diseases, soil diseases, and pests. It is a protective agent.
  • It supplies nutrients to the plant and soil. This also improves food quality.
  • It is inexpensive and has a wide variety of use. It has value for money.


  • It doesn’t last for long due to its short shelf life and has a bad smell.
  • It is unsuitable for hot areas.

Green Wood Super Waste Decomposer

10. Mycopep Bio Fertilizer for Plant Growth

It is soluble in water. It is useful in seed dressing and can be directly applied to the soil.

Mycopep Bio Fertilizer for Plant Growth


  • Increases crop production and improves soil fertility.
  • It has long-lasting effects.
  • Improves the health and quality of yield.


  • It needs special care for long-term storage due to its short shelf life.
  • It is not suitable for hot and dry soil.

Mycopep Bio Fertilizer for Plant Growth


Organic fertilizers are friendly to the surroundings and have a lot of benefits. The uses of biofertilizers in certain areas depend on their temperatures. When buying organic fertilizers, it is good to check the shelf life of the fertilizer. The reason is to ensure its success on the farm. When going fertilizer shopping, I hope you find this guide helpful.


What is biofertilizer for?

It fixes atmospheric nitrogen in plants and provides minerals like phosphates for crops. Organic fertilizers also increase crop yields.

What is the best biofertilizer?

The best natural fertilizer is the one that meets the conditions of a buyer.

What is the price of biofertilizer?

Cost ranges from Rs 300/liter to Rs 500/liter for Azotobacter organic fertilizer. Rs 200/liter to Rs 240/liter for plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria.